Are you interested in proposing a theme for a Hands-on Table?
Here is how it works:
- You have an idea of a theme you would like to propose at the conference. The objective of the Tables is to deliver value by exchanging insights and provoking post-conference traction. Therefore, the themes can be varied. They can be an unmet need, a new technology you would like to discuss, a know-how exchange etc. We share examples below to inspire you.
- Fill this form to share more information about the table and ideal participant profiles.
- Once the theme is defined and validated, we will publish it on the Impactful Innovation website.
It will include a description of your theme, the language of the table (it doesn’t necessarily have to be in English) as well as the profiles of participants you would like to add to your table to spark the best discussions (g. healthcare personnel, startups, investors, etc… your choice). Each table gathers up to 10 participants. - We will launch a recruitment campaign to find the best table participants through our European public and private network.
It is also OK to have a by-invitation table where you choose who is taking part, in which case, we publish it on the website but won’t launch a public recruitment campaign. - We will share with you the applicants to your table for your approval. The goal is to give them an answer within 3 working days.
- Prior to the conference we will provide instructions to optimally manage your table.
- At the conference you will receive support from us to make everything work smoothly.
Depending on the theme and table participants, we can help with the funding of travel and conference expenses. Options include their justification against the budget of (European) projects you are already participating or engaging with sponsors.
Depending on the theme and table participants, we can help with the funding of travel and conference expenses. Options include their justification against the budget of (European) projects you are already participating in, or engaging with sponsors. Contact us for further information at
Examples of potential themes include:
- Know-how exchange. Those interested in a topic (eg precision medicine) can share needs, initiatives and insights in a space of confidence where only Healthcare organizations participate.
- Technological state of the art. Acquire initial knowledge from researchers and innovators about the broad capabilities and limitations of a particular technology (eg. Artificial Intelligence in a healthcare setting).
- Lean open market consultation. Those hospitals with an already identified need and willing to engage in early market feedback sessions with innovative suppliers to improve the definition of the need.
- Challenger-Solver matching: For those customer organisations with an unmet need looking for a provider of an innovative solution. As some funding instruments ask for small companies to be the main applicant, a collaboration can be established to co-create a solution leveraging those funds under a win-win approach. This approach will be discussed on the afternoon of the first conference day.
- From 7 till 9. A successful innovation pilot in a TRL 7 is looking for means to reach a TRL 9. In this case, current innovation support instruments nor the customer healthcare organisation can fund this transition. The table will gather multidisciplinary seaters, including the healthcare organization, the SME that developed the solution and private investors to investigate bridging mechanisms to move from TRL7 to TRL9. Eg. successfully piloted projects in a TRL 7/8.
- Your pick.
We have limited capacity and, as we need time to do quality recruitment, we encourage you to propose a Table sooner rather than later.